Pat Tinsley, Norfolk artist, and Jak Rayner, who has worked with Aga Cookshop for several years on textile design and development, are friends and neighbours in the Norfolk village of Lmmas. They often walk together, with Jak's black Lab (Dizzie, remember him?) and Pat's German Pointers, Charlie and Miran. Hares have intrigued them both as they occasionally spy them alert and still, or racing and boxing in their local countryside. They found great pleasure in translating their Hare sightings into a design for Aga.
Caroline Smith, AGA Cookshop Commerical Manager
"It is amazing to have access to the fabulous talents of Pat Tinsley and Jak Rayner. The ideas for textile design are the result of trend discussions and Pat has the wonderful artistic skill of translating these ideas on to paper. Jak has a keen eye for colour and detail and a unique understanding of the required make up of the fabrics that will be used for the final product. The manufacturing skills of our partners in Portugal using only the very best woven cotton ensure this all translates on to our unique products and our manufacturing partners in the UK have a highly skilled set of machinists who lovingly make the printed cloth in to the beautiful products, using steam and grease barrier cloth to ensure that they not only look fabulous, but they have the most superior performance."